From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

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Add lights and change their colors in Blender

Add lights and change their colors in Blender - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 4.0 Essential Training

Add lights and change their colors in Blender

- [Instructor] Now that we've had a really fun time changing the materials and adding a bunch of them to our scene, let's go ahead and add some lights. First, you're going to want to come all the way up to the top right and click on Viewport Shading. If, for some reason, things look really grainy, click on the Render Property button. Looks like the backside of a DSLR, and scroll up and make sure that you're using the EEVEE render engine. Don't worry about cycles. We'll come back to it a little bit later on in this course. Right away, you can see that there's a light. It's right here, and you can go ahead and move it. It's not particularly interesting, so go ahead and left click on Add and come down to Light, and you'll see there's a whole bunch of options, like a sun light. Sunlight doesn't care where you've actually moved it. It just cares about rotation. Another light that is really handy is spot. Spot is a…
