From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Using the Asset Browser

Using the Asset Browser

- [Instructor] One of the best things that happened to Blender 3.0. is the introduction of the Asset Browser. This new system allows you to drag and drop objects, materials, or animations from other Blender files into your current one, thus, allowing you to quickly build up a scene. Let me show you. Now, as much as I love this cloth that we had from earlier, I'm going to go ahead and delete it. Then I'm going to come over to my graph editor and switch it to an asset browser. You may recall some old poses that we had in here. Over here where it says 'current file', go ahead and click on it and go to user library. If this is your first time using Blender, you'll be greeted by this little notification. "Asset libraries are local directories that contain blend files with the assets inside of them." Since we don't have any, we're going to need to go ahead and add one. Click on 'open preferences' and you'll be greeted by the…
