From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Overview of character creation tools - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

Overview of character creation tools

- [Instructor] Creating a character in Blender is incredibly fun. It's a three-step process that begins with finding reference or concept art, moving into sculpting, and then finally taking all of that data and turning it into a usable model by optimizing and playing with some of the edit mode tools. Now, maybe you're not interested in making a character. Maybe you want to make a vehicle or a spaceship or something cool. Generally speaking, all things follow more or less the same process that we're about to go through. You start with some references and sketches. Maybe you make some of your own. You go ahead and rough out the shape or block it out, and then you refine it and refine it and optimize it, so that it'll work in 3D animation. So with that process ahead of us, let's just dive right in.
