From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

How to install and things to know - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

How to install and things to know

- [Narrator] The very first thing we need to do is to go to and go ahead and click on download. At the time of this recording, the most recent release is Blender 3.0. There might be a 3.1 or a 3.0.1, but generally speaking, the tools, features, and interface will be about the same. Whenever there a really big change or release, I'll go ahead and update this course. If you're using Mac OS or Linux, you can go ahead and download Blender from here and even download it from Steam. Once you decide how you want to download Blender, go ahead and click on it and install it. Once you load Blender for the very first time, you'll be greeted by this window. There's a few things to know. For this course, we're going to be using the English language but you can change the language into any others if you choose. There are many different kinds of shortcuts you can use of Blender. We're going to focus on the default Blender ones, but if you're coming from Maya or Max, you may be interested in checking out the industry one. Next, we're going to use select by default with left. And a space bar, we'll leave it on play for now, but I highly suggest in the future you explore using search for your space bar. This will allow you to search for any command or menu item just by hitting your space bar. But because we're going to keep everything by default, we'll just leave this space bar to play. You could even change the theme into Maya, Moto, or Light. I'll leave it on the Blender dark by default. If you come up to edit preferences, there are a few more things that you can change to help you out. For example, you can change the resolution scale making Blender a lot bigger, which makes it a lot easier to read or leave it back to one. If you find yourself wanting to go back to different kinds of shortcuts, you can do that by clicking on key map, and then coming up here, and changing which kind you want. You can even change the space bar action all right here. Finally, under system, you can go ahead to enable CUDA, OptiX, or HIP depending on your hardware. If you don't have any of these options available, that's okay, you can still follow along and do everything in this course. All right, you've now installed Blender and you're ready to go.
