From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Geometry Nodes magic

Geometry Nodes magic

- [Instructor] The very first thing I want to cover are geometry nodes. They allow you to combine a bunch of different nodes inside of Blender to create outstanding effects. Let me show you. First, make sure you go to File, New, and go to General. Then you can hold down your Control and middle mouse, scroll all the way to the right, until you see Geometry Nodes. If you don't have anything up here, go ahead and add the Geometry Nodes workspace. With this new window, you'll see that there are a few different viewports. First, our 3D viewport, then the new Spreadsheet editor, and the Geometry Nodes window. The Spreadsheet editor is quite complex, but in short, it allows you to visualize all of the data inside of your object, from point position to any others that you want to include, all in a handy spreadsheet. But the real magic happens down here in the Geometry Nodes editor. Let's go ahead and delete this cube, and…
