From the course: Blender 3 Essential Training

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Deep dive: Cycles tips

Deep dive: Cycles tips

- [Instructor] Let's go ahead and talk about cycles. Remember earlier how I said we could have two scenes but with different render settings? Let's go ahead and do that. Up in this scene, I'm going to type out EEVEE. That's how it's spelled and then click this little button and go to Linked Copy. Now, I'm going to click and drag that and rename this to Cycles. Now, you have two scenes, one EEVEE and one in Cycles. Let's switch our render settings to Cycles, and you can see if I go back to my EEVEE one, it is going to use the EEVEE settings. Perfect, all right. Now, let's go back to Cycles and make sure that your render engine is set at Cycles. If you do or don't have a GPU, that is fine. For my purposes, I'll leave it on GPU, but if you're on CPU, you can follow along just as well. Now, one of the first things I recommend you do is go to Display render preview. If this is your first time clicking that button, it may go…
