From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training

How to use the exercise files - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training

How to use the exercise files

- [Instructor] If you have access to the exercise files, you can download them from this course page. Once you download that zip, go ahead and unzip it. And for my purpose, I'm going to keep everything on the desktop. Once you unzip the exercise files, you'll see a whole bunch of folders, each one corresponding to each video that we're going to go through. And if you scroll down to the bottom, you'll see two folders: one called "Rendered," where we will be storing our rendered frames later on in this course, and another folder called "Shared," where we will have common 3D files that will be used throughout this entire course. If you don't have access to the exercise files, you can still follow along, as many of the steps I'm going to do can be replicated by you. All right, with all of this set up, let's dive into Blender.
