From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training

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Challenge: Make your fish look wet

Challenge: Make your fish look wet - Blender Tutorial

From the course: Blender 2.91 Essential Training

Challenge: Make your fish look wet

(upbeat music) - [Instructor] It's Challenge time. We've gone ahead and done some awesome stuff in this chapter. We painted the texture onto our character, we learned how materials can affect our rocks in volcano and use them procedurally without ever having to unwrap. We discovered actually unwrapping was, and found out how fun and tedious it can be. And finally, we found the way to preserve all of that high resolution detail and put it right back onto our character through the use of a normal map. Now, with this challenge, I want you to find a way to make this character seem a little bit more wet, and I want you to find a way to make all of those blue parts of them glow brightly. Now, if you went ahead and painted yours differently which I encourage you to, find a different color say red or yellow or whatever color that's kind of dominant and find a way to make that glow brightly. Or even better find a way to change…
