From the course: Become a Marketing Entrepreneur

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Sketching out your marketing biz: The math

Sketching out your marketing biz: The math

From the course: Become a Marketing Entrepreneur

Sketching out your marketing biz: The math

- [Instructor] Despite my naivety, my entertainment publicity firm became a success, but I had one major problem. My clients only wanted to work with me, and that limited the way I could scale my business and grow. Now, this is fine if you want to create what's called a lifestyle business and focus only on the work you do, but I had other dreams. So I decided to take a job at a bigger PR agency to see how they managed growth and to become part of a team. But after several years, I got the entrepreneurial bug again and so I started planning for my second venture. This time, I knew enough to begin with a squad. It helped that I understood what the agency I worked for was doing well and what could be improved. So I sketched out an idea to build a marketing firm that simplified agency-client relationships. That was our point of differentiation, and it informed everything we did. We developed a three-year strategy and plan,…
