From the course: Become a Marketing Entrepreneur

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Place, pipeline, and partners

Place, pipeline, and partners

- [Narrator] You know, if you work for a global agency with offices around the world, you may only think about new business when you're asked to be part of a pitch. But when you have your own firm, you don't have the luxury of all the projects that come in from the agency's network. And you need to figure out how to keep your pipeline active, to manage the stomach dropping extremes of that new business rollercoaster. That's why it's important to figure out the type of clients you want to serve early on and where they're based. Are they local entrepreneurs, startups, regional or global corporations? Of course, this can change depending on how you grow your business. And speaking of growth, you'll also want to determine your place. That is whether you'll have a physical space or be virtual. Of course, there's no one right answer to that. And so much depends on your goals, how much flexibility you may want, your budget…
