From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

What does modern B2B sales look like?

From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

What does modern B2B sales look like?

- Business to business sales is among the most lucrative and rewarding of all careers. You're developing high stake solutions for companies and organizations, often on your own schedule, and there's no ceiling on your earning potential. I'm Robbie Kellman Baxter, and I want to share how to thrive in this highly competitive field. We're going to walk through each part of the sales cycle. I'll show you how to recognize and qualify a good prospect, help you to fill and manage a robust pipeline, and give you an inside view of how you'll be evaluated. I'll even share some tips on how to bounce back from a bad quarter stronger than ever. Freedom, flexibility, control, measurable results. Sound enticing? Let's jump right in.
