From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

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Identifying the skills for B2B sales success

Identifying the skills for B2B sales success

From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

Identifying the skills for B2B sales success

- On a flight I took the other day, I ran into Dave, a dad from my daughter's school whom I had not seen in over five years. We chatted the whole flight and he didn't stop connecting or smiling for the whole 90-minute flight. By the end, I felt like we were friends. He sells investment services to companies and municipalities. He's what a lot of people call a natural salesman. Easygoing and high energy at the same time, people want to be around him. He remembers people he's met and has a kind and authentic comment for everyone. But not every sales guy acts like Dave. My client Lynn, is one of the best B2B salespeople I've ever seen. Lynn is quiet, serious, and methodical, an engineer by training, and yet people trust her and want to buy from her because she understands their needs and finds that perfect solution for each client. A B2B salesperson needs to be interested in helping people. They…
