From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

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Evaluating prospect for key qualities

Evaluating prospect for key qualities

From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

Evaluating prospect for key qualities

- Many salespeople are so excited to talk to someone that is willing to have a buying conversation, that they jump right into answering the customer's questions instead of taking the time to understand if the person is really a qualified prospect. They let the customer ask about product features or pricing, and try their best to respond and to close the deal. What you should do first is find out if they have the MANDate. That's M, money to buy. Do they have a budget now? A, authority to make the buying decision. Who else, if anyone, needs to approve the purchase? N, need for the product or services you're selling. Do you believe that they really need what you're selling? If you don't, it will be hard for you to be convincing. And even if you are, the customer is likely to have regret, and that will hurt your future sales and your reputation. And D, desire to buy it. Sometimes people don't really want something, even if…
