From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

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Defining your “best customer”

Defining your “best customer”

From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

Defining your “best customer”

- Imagine you have a customer who's going to buy one of your products once on a tight budget and with high stakes. Then, imagine a second customer who could benefit from many of your products and services with a good-sized budget and future buying plans. They're also willing to pay a premium for a quality product with good support from their sales rep, you. Which customer do you want? Kind of a no-brainer, right? And yet, many sales professionals try to chase every lead that comes in, eager to maximize their revenue. If you focus on only selling to that second type of customer, our best customers, you will enjoy some great advantages: a higher customer lifetime value. In exchange for your upfront investment in establishing a trusted relationship and closing that first sale, you likely will have that customer returning to you time and again. You'll spend less time with subsequent sales relative to the revenue,…
