From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

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Dealing with rejection in B2B sales

Dealing with rejection in B2B sales

From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

Dealing with rejection in B2B sales

- If you're in sales, you're going to experience your share of rejection. In fact, if you're not getting a lot of nos, you're probably not trying hard enough. Sometimes you'll be rejected right at the start, when you first reach out to a prospect, they'll say they're not interested or not even take the call. After a few days of cold calling, you'll probably be inoculated against this kind of rejection. Sometimes though, the rejection comes later. Maybe after you've qualified the lead and gotten to know the prospect well, maybe you've spent a lot of time understanding their needs and researching solutions that could help them as individuals and help the company more broadly. The further along you are in the sales process, the more it's going to sting. Rejection is part of sales, so you need to expect it, prepare for it, even welcome it. Handling rejection, learning to be resilient and maybe even using rejection as fuel for…
