From the course: B2B Sales Foundations

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Closing the B2B sales deal

Closing the B2B sales deal

- Sales people are rewarded for one thing, generating revenue. You have quotas and your compensation likely depends on achieving those sales numbers. Understanding what can get in the way of closing the deal can help you save time and frustration and make more money. Customer vacations, other priorities or fire drills and the hope of a better solution being available next quarter can all slow down a deal. Make sure you understand what your prospect has on their plate and help them to keep your deal front of mind. Now, assuming that you have a real prospect, how do you build and maintain momentum as you make your way to that contract signing? There are some best practices that keep a deal moving. Always close a meeting with next steps. Create a series of yeses in which you build, buy-in at each stage. Figure out the objections early rather than late and proactively address them one by one. Make sure you understand how…
