From the course: AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner (CLF-C02) Cert Prep: 1 Cloud Concepts

How did you get in the cloud?

- You've probably heard of the cloud in the past few years, referring to ambiguous things that no one quite seems to be able to define. You might have also heard about Amazon Web Services. Perhaps your company is considering utilizing it, or you're looking to find out more about this cloud computing platform that's taken the world by storm for your own career advancement. Whatever the reason may be that got you to click on this course, I'm glad you're here. I want to help you start from what even is the cloud to getting excited about Amazon Web Services, cloud computing, and potentially even considering taking the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam. Hi, I'm Hiro Nishimura, and I'm a special education teacher, turn systems administrator, turned technical writer, and my mission is to introduce cloud computing and Amazon Web Services to people with non-traditional technical backgrounds. In introduction to AWS for Non-Engineers One, Cloud Concepts, we will be starting from the beginning and by beginning I mean the '50s, to begin exploring how cloud computing came to be, why it's important, and how Amazon Web Services or AWS fits into the picture. We will also be reviewing various cloud computing concepts that will help you begin studying for the AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner Exam, which is the most fundamental certification exam that AWS offers. I can't wait to begin our cloud journey. Let's get started.
