From the course: Asking Great Sales Questions

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Understand your customer's role

Understand your customer's role

- If I ask you the question, how well do you know your customer's role, you might likely respond that you know them quite well. If I ask you to tell me about them, you would likely give me their name and title within seconds. You may even be able to quickly tell me how long they've been in their current role or with their current company due to your expert analysis on LinkedIn. The question is, however, how well do you really know your customer's role? For example, do you know how their role fits into the bigger strategic plan of the company? Do you know how their role supports the growth of the company? Do you understand the pressures that are associated with their role from their bosses and their bosses' bosses' perspective? The good news is for most roles within the same industry, most of your customers will have very similar goals and challenges. The more you understand their role, the more you'll be able to…
