From the course: Asking Great Sales Questions

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Understand your customer's objectives

Understand your customer's objectives

From the course: Asking Great Sales Questions

Understand your customer's objectives

- Once you understand your prospect's business and have a clear empathetic understanding of their role, it's time to dig a little deeper. Human beings operate from a default position of self-preservation. That means their brains are biologically wired to make decisions that help them avoid loss and achieve gain. In fact, according to Kahneman and Tversky, behavioral economists who won the Nobel Prize for their work on the prospect theory, they found that we as human beings make a decision at twice the urgency to avoid a loss as we do to accomplish a gain. With this in mind, we need to really understand what our customers are trying to accomplish, and then the threats or risk that they may potentially face that could prevent them from accomplishing those goals. Those are the things that they care about. They're trying to solve problems. They're not focused on buying your products. So in order to ask better questions…
