From the course: Asking Great Sales Questions

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- If you listen to sales gurus from the sixties up through the eighties and nineties, you'll hear many similar themes around how to close your customer. Much of this philosophy actually created and reinforced the negative stereotype we have of sales today. In fact, there are movies that have become cult classics, like "The Boiler Room, that appear to sensationalize this winner take all mindset, even at the expense of the customer. I'm sure you've heard the ABCs of selling, right? Always be closing. The truth is, the best sales professionals around the globe, regardless of industry, understand that this is actually counterproductive. Some folks may find short-term success for a season with this approach, but inevitably, they find themselves struggling to find their next mark. And ultimately, they go home at night not feeling really very good about themselves. We know that people buy from people they trust. Nobody trusts…
