From the course: Asking Great Sales Questions

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Map the solution to the problem

Map the solution to the problem

- When I speak at conferences or events I frequently ask the group this simple question, what's the definition of a solution? You know, what's amazing, no one has ever answered this question incorrectly. You see everyone intuitively knows and understands that a solution is something that solves a problem. Yet, here in lies the rub. We call our products and services solutions but then usually only explain them in terms of their features with our vast knowledge of the facts and data that support the features. In other words, we sell our product, but rarely do we articulate exactly how it solves a specific problem that our customer actually cares about. Looking back over this course, you'll notice a very strong theme. You have to ask great questions to confirm you understand your customer's goals. And then you have to ask great questions to help provide color and context to the problems that are most likely to prevent your…
