From the course: Asking Great Sales Questions

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Connection vs. credibility

Connection vs. credibility

- In order to earn the right to ask status quo challenging questions, it's important that you establish trust. Now, there are two types of trust, personal and professional. Personal trust is all about your ability to be likable through creating a genuine connection. The characteristics that make up connection are humility, authenticity, honesty, and appropriate vulnerability. Now, professional trust is about your ability to create respect by demonstrating you and your company's credibility. This credibility is made up of knowledge, skills, and capability. Let's take a look at what we call The Sales Trust Matrix. The Sales Trust Matrix takes into account a combination of both personal and professional trust. Connection makes up the X axis and credibility makes up the Y axis. Each letter represents a different type of salesperson. Let's first look at Salesperson A. As you can see, Salesperson A scores very low on the…
