From the course: Asking Great Sales Questions

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Confirm goals

Confirm goals

- We know that each of us as human beings operates from a position of self-preservation orientation. As such, we're viewing life through the lens of the things that we care about and the potential threats and risk factors that may prevent the things we care about from actually happening. Your customers are no different. Remember, they're not looking to buy your product. They're focused on solving problems that prevent them from accomplishing their goals. Now, with this in mind, it's really important that we understand and confirm the goals that they're trying to accomplish. See, once we understand those goals, we'll have a better understanding of what may be preventing those goals that we can potentially help them with. One of the mistakes many salespeople make is to go too granular too quickly in trying to understand the customer's goals. To help illustrate, I'll use a personal example with my firm Brain Trust. We…
