From the course: Ansible Essential Training

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Working with network devices

Working with network devices - Ansible Tutorial

From the course: Ansible Essential Training

Working with network devices

- [Instructor] Let's not fall into a trap of thinking about Ansible for only server management. Ansible often can help with automation and orchestration across every aspect of IT. Consider our networking devices. Here is just a partial list of the vendors that work with Ansible, I mean we have Arista, we have Cisco devices running all kinds of different operating systems. This might be the ASA operating systems that exist. The IOS, the IOS XE, even the next generation Annex OS Cisco devices are going to work well with Ansible. There's F5 BIG-IP, there's Junos OS the list goes on and on in fact, think about it. It would be a lot easier for me to cover the very few networking vendors that don't have Ansible support, as opposed to all of those that do. Now, there is one bit of a challenge though for Ansible, when it comes to connecting to these devices and then managing them. And that challenge is the fact that Ansible is…
