From the course: Ansible Essential Training

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What is idempotence?

What is idempotence?

- [Instructor] If you were looking at a brochure that was showing off all the wonderful features of Ansible, one of the showcase bullets points might be Ansible can help you achieve idempotence. If you're like me, the first time you read something like this, it means absolutely nothing to you. You know, we need to face it, idempotence is not a common concept that we would discuss all the time. In fact, it is mainly been a programming term in our industry. So what does it mean? Well, idempotence means that you can execute commands over and over again, and you will not change the result or the target. This used to be a major challenge for us admin types when we were trying to add automation and orchestration to networks using scripts. This would typically go something like this. You'd write a script to automate some tasks, and then you write test that script and it would crash after executing 12 lines of code…
