From the course: Ansible Essential Training

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Using the command line to control execution

Using the command line to control execution - Ansible Tutorial

From the course: Ansible Essential Training

Using the command line to control execution

- [Instructor] Another handy capability we have when it comes to task execution is the ability to run a playbook, starting at a certain task. Perhaps we have a long playbook and we want to skip the first couple of tasks because we know they're not going to be required. We can easily do this with command line options. In this video, I'm going to show you that, but I'm also going to show you how you can step through the tasks in a playbook interactively when you execute it. So here we are at our control node. And if you remember, we had the tags.yml playbook. And inside this playbook against our web servers, we were installing Apache2, we were installing NTP, we were making sure that NDP was started and set to start each time the host starts up its life. So this is all fine and good. And we had tags so that we could selectively run tasks with tags. But what if we didn't use tags? Or what if we just knew that we wanted to…
