From the course: Ansible Essential Training

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Roles and Ansible Galaxy

Roles and Ansible Galaxy - Ansible Tutorial

From the course: Ansible Essential Training

Roles and Ansible Galaxy

- [Instructor] It is always wonderful when we get help with our big projects and when we can get a jumpstart with Ansible's many possible uses. Ansible Galaxy is the ultimate web location for those of us interested in doing more and doing it faster with Ansible. We might get ideas from the roles we can download from Ansible Galaxy, or more often than not, we get exactly the components we need to accomplish the orchestrations we need to carry out. Here you can see Ansible Galaxy in my browser and notice how they, on the homepage, are going to organize the Ansible resources for us by some of the most popular categories. But if we do a search in Ansible Galaxy, notice I can do a search on AWS in order to find those components inside of Ansible Galaxy that have been uploaded for assisting me with AWS. Now, notice that it's more than just roles that are stored in Ansible Galaxy. In fact, we can see this first match has zero…
