From the course: Ansible Essential Training

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Role management

Role management

- [Instructor] A recurring theme with Ansible has been just how incredibly simple it is. Simple and straightforward. We love this about Ansible, and it's certainly that way with roles. I mean, there really isn't much by way of role management to discuss other than the fact that we really want to control where those installs happen. An easy way to do that is notice what I did here on my control node. I went into the /etc/ansible, and then the ansible.cfg file, and I uncommented out the entry that would give the default location for roles in the system. So let me just show you that, it's right up here in this huge Ansible config file. It's near the top. Notice there's a default section, and there's a bunch of defaults that you can override by uncommenting these and then setting different values. But if we come down here in the file, let's see, I can search for it, of course. In fact, oh, I'm not in my editor. So…
