From the course: Ansible Essential Training

An overview of secrets in Ansible - Ansible Tutorial

From the course: Ansible Essential Training

An overview of secrets in Ansible

- [Instructor] When we say secrets in the context of Ansible, we're discussing the passwords, tokens, and other sensitive pieces of information that are required to be in our Ansible code for automated or orchestrated tasks to fully function. Clearly, it's a very poor security design to have these secrets in clear text within our code used for Ansible. To make this situation even worse, consider that oftentimes our Ansible code is going to end up in a public repository so that it can be re-used by other team members we might need to share this with, or even worse, with members of other organizations that are leveraging our Ansible code from a public repository like GitHub or Ansible Galaxy. In this module, we're going to focus on the best practices surrounding properly keeping our secrets secret.
