From the course: AI in Cybersecurity: The Future of Red Teaming and Blue Teaming

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Threat intelligence 2.0: AI-driven security insights

Threat intelligence 2.0: AI-driven security insights

- I once collaborated with a team of intel analysts who proudly shared that they generated 1500 pages of finished intel each month. Although this figure was impressive, it led me to wonder how can cybersecurity professionals possibly find the time to read and comprehend so much content? In the early stages of my career, I eagerly anticipated the release of each major security vendor's annual threat report and read them cover to cover. However, as I climbed the corporate ladder, my responsibilities evolved. I found it increasingly challenging to allocate time to read threat intel reports, but I couldn't shake the feeling of being out of touch with the rapidly evolving threat landscape. In my role as a leader of a threat hunting team, staying informed about the latest threats and their TTPs was critical. This necessity prompted me to seek methods of consuming threat intelligence more efficiently. Utilizing text to speech technology allowed me to consume some of the content during…
