From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

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Understand minimum viable product (MVP)

Understand minimum viable product (MVP)

From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

Understand minimum viable product (MVP)

- You've probably heard the term MVP in an Agile context and we're not talking about most valuable player. MVP in Agile stands for minimum viable product. It's the version of a product that balances cost, risk, and value. It's a term that is thrown around a lot and yet few really understand. Minimum viable product is about making sure we do not over-engineer a product and find out later it's not what was needed or under-engineer a product and discover it was too little too late. It's about learning quickly and satisfying early adopters. It's about deploying just enough, quickly enough, to confirm the product is viable and learn what is needed next in the product. MVP is often used along with terms like MMF and MMP. MMF stands for minimum marketable feature and MPP, minimum marketable product. Instead of defining all these terms, let's talk about them all in terms of minimum viable thinking. Minimum viable thinking helps…
