From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

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Product owner goals on an agile team

Product owner goals on an agile team

- The product owner role on an Agile team is absolutely critical, and arguably the toughest role to carry out. Product owners must be masters of decision-making, facilitation and analysis in order to ensure the team is focused on the right product and features. I like to think about the product owners role in terms of three pillars, engagement, value and decision-making. Product owners need to be engaged with the team daily. They need to be constantly thinking about value and they need to be decision makers. Without one of these three pillars, the team suffers. Product ownership is about value and ensuring the right product features are built for the customer. Without product owners, the team may build software fast but it might not be useful, valuable or what the customer needs. Great product owners keep value at the top of their mind at all times and it's part of everything they do. From prioritizing the product…
