From the course: Agile Product Owner Role: Foundations

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Creating an agile release plan

Creating an agile release plan

- Every release should be something your end customer can use and improves the product from their perspective. Traditional or waterfall projects often plan releases based on technology or architecture components. And while these provide value from the end customer's point of view, they often end up with success from a system perspective and the user is left wondering what's in it for them. Agile release planning make sure to focus on the end customer such that each release is something that matters to the customer and the organization strategy. In Agile, release planning is driven by the product owner with a focus on increments of value to the customer. Feasibility and technical constraints are also part of the dialogue, but are not the driver of an Agile release plan. Think about increments of value like pieces that are fully usable to meet a goal, they're not parts that are unusable to the user. Each release should…
