From the course: After Effects Compositing: 3 Advanced Matching and Looks

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Match the softness of natural edges

Match the softness of natural edges

This section of the course has been all about optics, and while we're on the topic, this is just a subtle, gentle reminder to pay attention to edges. And if you've generated yours with a computer, make sure they match the natural optics you find in the scene. The computer-generated board in front has very sharp edges. You can even see pixels around them. People like those because they're very accurate. The board behind is in focus, more or less, but it's actually quite soft along its edges. If you study images, you'll find this all the time. Edges that appear to be sharp, on close examination, have a slight softness. How much softness? Well, in an HD image, I would estimate it's usually between one and a half and two pixels. Now in the case of this board, it appears to be in an area of the image that's a little bit less focused. So, for example, I could select it, and just apply a Box Blur set to a two pixel radius. Now if that's the look I want, that's fine, but if I want individual…
