From the course: After Effects Compositing: 3 Advanced Matching and Looks

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Know the fundamental differences between HDR and LDR

Know the fundamental differences between HDR and LDR - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Compositing: 3 Advanced Matching and Looks

Know the fundamental differences between HDR and LDR

So, what if you lived in a world where your incoming source was HDR? Let's take a look at how that would be before we move on to working with just low dynamic range source footage. Here I'm working with still images from Now, they would list as floating point in the project panel, and here I can see that they have significant over-brights. These levels are going above 2 in the whites. I'm going to apply the two most common effects that we use in visual effects, Levels and Blur. First of all, Levels. Now, let's suppose I'm willing to really brighten up this image a lot. kind of blow it out. In an LDR pipeline, I would never expect that I was going to bring that image back to where it was. In HDR, it's a simple matter of just making the same counter adjustment. There's no change from the previous image. So just to show you and I'm sure you're aware of this, at 8-bit or even 16, this image looks horrible. Now, you might think, why would I want to do that? I would know…
