From the course: After Effects Compositing: 3 Advanced Matching and Looks

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Determine a starting point: Make it flat

Determine a starting point: Make it flat

Before we talk about how to finish a shot, in this lesson, we're going to take a close look at how important it is to start at the right point. If you're used to working with 8-bit footage, you know the importance of having a neutrally shot image to adjust for color later. This image is neutral, and you can tell by the histogram. All the levels are well within the extreme of black and white, on the 256 level 8-bit scale. This shot is also within range, but it's a lot closer to the end. But here, this shot seems to be totally destroyed. However, this one was taken with a Blackmagic Cinema camera, this has the latitude to correct it. One simple way to know if your image is good and ready to go is just to apply an ordinary color correction to it. One I like to use for this purpose, is supplied with speed grade. So if you have speed grade, try applying this cinematic one look to an image. Now this is subjective, but if it looks good, your image is probably fine. So, in fact, I can…
