From the course: After Effects Compositing: 3 Advanced Matching and Looks

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Create cinematic color contrasts with Mojo

Create cinematic color contrasts with Mojo

I've shown you how to create a very typical Hollywood type of base grade in Colorista II. In which we focus on the skin tones, we take the shadows more in a darker, cooler direction color wise and we take the highlights in the opposite direction. In a warmer, brighter direction. Magic Bullet Mojo is a tool designed just to do what I've just described. Here's how it works. I'll just turn it on for this layer, because we're going to push this further in that direction. So the first thing you'll notice, is that the shot got darker and cooler. The Mojo Control is set by default to 25. If I zero it out and zero out Punch It, we're back to our source image. So Mojo itself is a control over the cool shadows. That's the Mojo. The two controls below it, that were grayed out at 0, determine what those shadows consist of. So, tint will make them bluer if I go to the left or greener to the right. I'll go bluer. And the balance is going to determine where they sit in the image. If I see a little…
