From the course: After Effects Compositing: 3 Advanced Matching and Looks

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Composite into lens distortion

Composite into lens distortion

In this lesson we'll take a look at how to composite a foreground layer, into a background that has lens distortion. Here you see my reference layer, and it's been set up to match the background. So, without Optics Compensation, you can see the lines don't match and they're looking pretty good. Now if I copy that Optics Compensation effect, and apply it to this image that I want to replace into the frame, well, obviously you can see there's a problem. And I won't solve it just by resetting the center of the image. The issue here is that this image that I'm inserting is a different size than the frame of the comp. And that's most often going to be the case. So I need to do a more elaborate process here involving precomping. It's not a big deal. But I'm going to select the foreground and background and duplicate them. And then make a precomp with those. And I'll just call that Image 01 pre, and that opens up. Now I'm going to apply that Optics Compensation that I copied to the…
