From the course: After Effects Compositing: 3 Advanced Matching and Looks

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Add a light-wrap effect to composite into a backlit scene

Add a light-wrap effect to composite into a backlit scene - After Effects Tutorial

From the course: After Effects Compositing: 3 Advanced Matching and Looks

Add a light-wrap effect to composite into a backlit scene

Here's a scene that could be described as somewhere between punishing and impossible to light correctly. One common technique in the effects compositing to compensate for a lighting situation like this is Light Wrap. And in this lesson, I'll teach you a simple recipe to add a good Light Wrap effect to your shot and better match the foreground and background. This foreground shot was taken on a green screen and there's no practical way to stick a light source like this behind the talent on a green screen. Even if you wanted that. And if you did it that way, it would certainly limit your options to relight 'em later. Instead, let's get 'em matched as well as we can to begin. I'll just silhouette him like I see on the hillside there and I also notice that the blacks are a little bit washed out. And, so, he doesn't really look right. He's very cut out looking over the sky. And in the rest of the shot, we can clearly see that even though the one light source in the shot is behind…
