From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Working with effects

Working with effects

- [Instructor] We've seen a few effects so far in the course including Echo, Mocha AE and others. There are different kinds of effects that can be added to a layer or a precomp that can distort it, recolor it, blur it, and so on. Here in this movie, I've included an exercise file for you to examine, but you don't need to follow along step by step as I do here since this is an overview look at how you might use different effects. So using this first composition as an example, one of the things that we can do is add effects to layers but we can also add an effect to the entire composition by way of an adjustment layer. So I'm going to use a shape layer as an adjustment layer so making sure that nothing is selected in my composition, I'll double click on the rectangle tool and that's going to create a brand new shape as you can see here in orange. Then I'll tap on this button here. And what adjustment layers do is it's…
