From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Using Track Mattes

Using Track Mattes

- [Instructor] As we saw in the previous movie, masks are drawn onto layers, which means if the layer moves, so does the mask. Sometimes you may want to use one mask across several layers or move a layer independently of the mask. To do that, we use a feature called track mattes. Track mattes are separate layers that define transparency onto one or more layers. Let's take a look. In the second composition I've got two layers. I've got a red circle and underneath it I've got this building that looks like the letter E. And I'm going to use the red circle to define the transparency for the second layer. And I'm going to use track mattes to do that. So first things first, let's make sure that we have the track matte column enabled. If you don't have it enabled, you can come down to the bottom left of the screen and hit the icon second from the left to enable it. You can also right click on any available column you do have and…
