From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Using the graph editor: Value

Using the graph editor: Value

- [Instructor] We saw in the previous movie how After Effects represents animation through the curves in the speed graph. Here we'll look at the same animation but instead of viewing it as changes in speed we'll learn how after effects visualizes, keyframe and interpolation as changes in a properties value. Let's switch over to the second composition and this composition. I've got the same animation with the triangle jumping up and down, but I've got different instances of it using different key frame interpolations. Let's select all our layers. I'll hit U on the keyboard to expose the key frame properties and let's take a look at the linear interpolation. First things first, let's come over here to the graph editor and with the Y position selected of our linear interpolation. Right now I've got this set to our speed graph. Now note that it's pretty stair steppy kind of in shape and form. Let's come over here to this…
