From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Shape layer overview

Shape layer overview

- [Instructor] Shape Layers are a crucial component in the After Effects tool set. They are non-destructive by design, meaning that we can always go back to their initial state to make changes which ultimately opens up for experimentation. In some ways, it's a lot like a little animatable version of Adobe Illustrator directly inside of After Effects. By grouping these visual building blocks, we can create more complex pieces to use in our projects. In this movie, we'll take a look at what makes shape layers unique. One characteristic is that shape layers are scalable to any size. To show you what I mean, let's come over here to the second composition and both on the left and right. We have similar looking bits of artwork except one is made mathematically with vectors on the left and on the right we have the artwork created with pixels or a bitmap image. Now the difference between the two isn't readily obvious until we take…
