From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Mocha AE planar tracking

Mocha AE planar tracking

- [Instructor] In addition to the point tracking tool we saw previously, Mocha AE is another tracking tool that can be used for more difficult shots. The same tool used to easily create animated masks can also be used to follow a defined texture as it moves throughout the duration of the shot. This results in better tracking with less effort. Let's see how this works. In this shot, Mocha was able to track the side of the van even though it's off screen at the start of the shot. That's something a point tracker would easily fail at solving. It's Mocha's strength of tracking planar surfaces that helps separate it from other trackers. So let's see how we can do this. Here in this 03 composition, we have the same shot. Let's step into Mocha AE by first right clicking on our footage, coming over to effect, Boris FX Mocha, Mocha AE. Let's double click this to open up the effect controls. And before we hit the button to step into…
