From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Essential properties

Essential properties

- [Instructor] Part of the creative process is iteration, trying different things and seeing what works and what doesn't. Essential properties is a powerful time-saving feature that provides After Effects users with an efficient method of creating multiple versions of your work without creating duplicate pre-comps. It's a system of overrides that allows us to tweak any property non-destructively, including existing animation. Let's take a look. In this 02 composition, I've got a bounce for this shape, and with each bounce, it's changing the number of sides or number of points and I'm feeding that into this 03_main composition. Now, if we wanted to take this as a starting point and make some changes to it or check out variations, we would traditionally have to duplicate the 02_bounce composition and make the changes there. But with essential properties, we can make that change directly inside of this main composition.…
