From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Essential Graphics panel

Essential Graphics panel

- [Instructor] The Essential Graphics panel is a great workflow enhancement to users of both After Effects and Premiere. With this tool, you can gather properties from different compositions and easily access them from the panel. Additionally, the panel contents can be exported as a Motion Graphics Template for Premiere users, who can then use and make changes to it directly inside their timeline. Here in this movie, we'll see how we can use the panel to enhance our workflow. Let's click on this EGP title intro. And as you can see, this is a variation on the intro that I've been using for my course. This time, I've added an image background, and I've also added two lines here that are fairly generic. Now, let's see how we can use the Essential Graphics panel to hand off some of this as an asset to a Premiere editor and how we can make workflow for ourselves a little bit easier. To find the Essential Graphics panel, all…
