From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Creating extruded 3D shapes

Creating extruded 3D shapes

- [Instructor] Much like creating extruded text, the Cinema 4D renderer allows us to create true 3D geometry by extruding After Effects shape layers. By adding in path operators, we can create and animate interesting 3D forms directly inside of After Effects. Let's switch over to the second composition. And here we have an animation that we saw previously in the course. And this time, we're using Cinema 4D as our renderer. And because we have these as shape layers, we can tell After Effects to extrude these to create 3D geometry. So I'll select all of my shape layers and turn on 3D layers for each. And you can see that we automatically have a change up in the look of our shape layers and that's because these have effects on them. If I hit the keyboard shortcut E, that will expose all the effects for the selected layers. And you can see that I have this noise HLS, which unfortunately the Cinema 4D renderer disregards.…
