From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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Cinema 4D Lite overview

Cinema 4D Lite overview

- [Instructor] The 3D application called Cinema 4D Lite comes free as a part of every After Effects installation. Adobe and Maxon have teamed together to allow users, new to 3D, to get a taste of what a fully capable 3D program has to offer while also providing seamless integration between both applications. Now, I have included an exercise file for you to dissect. Now, there's nothing really to follow along with here other than taking in the overview of what Cinema 4D Lite can offer. Here in our second composition, I've got two pieces of footage. We've got some background footage of a downtown and on top of that we have an actual Cinema 4D scene file placed in as a layer. A large part of how this scene works is using the After Effects camera tracker which we'll cover in a future movie. I'm able to export a camera into Cinema 4D where I'm able to add in various objects and animations and then bring that entire C4D file…
