From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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3D layer properties

3D layer properties

- [Instructor] When we turn a 2D layer into a 3D one, we add material properties that can react to light in different ways. In addition, we can have a layer cast shadows into our scene. Let's take a look. In the second composition, I've got a couple layers. I've got my triangle here in the center, that's a 3D layer, and you can see in the background I've got this grid. And this grid is actually a white solid with a grid effect on it, and if I twirl this down, you can see Grid. And here we can size up our corners to make larger or smaller grids, and I can also increase the border size. So I'll revert this back to five and I'm going to zoom in here to my triangle. I also have a spotlight in here. Let's turn this on and see what happens. Here you can see the triangle being illuminated by my spotlight, and the grid itself is partially illuminated, but because we have our cone, defined as a small circle here, we're…
