From the course: After Effects CC 2023 Essential Training

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3D in After Effects

3D in After Effects

- [Instructor] After Effects is a compositing and animation program that operates in both 2D space and 3D space. Because it's a hybrid of two worlds, it's often said that After Effects is a two and a half D program, meaning that 3D layers are merely flat planes that can be manipulated in 3D space. Here we'll take a look at some concepts of how After Effects works in 3D. In my second composition, I've got artwork of several circles, and I'm going to select the top one and move it off to the left. I'll take the bottom layer and move it off to the right and then what I can do is select all of them and then come over to my Align panel. Then I'll select distribute layers horizontally. And now let's come down here to the blue layer and let's reveal its transform properties. You'll note that we are working in 2D space because we have only X and Y positions. Now, in order to see this 3D column, just make sure that you have this…
